iPhone 4: New design, still a 3G iPod touch

Cya iphone, its been fun. I have a new touchscreen to replace you called the G2. I tried to give you another chance on multiple occasions but you just could never make the cut. Now that angry birds is making its way onto android phones, you’re dead to me.

I never wrote a serious review for the iPhone 4 like I said I would but that’s because I really hate the device as a phone. The apps are great, web browser is almost perfect and the battery lasts at least a day now (from what I can tell at least, since I never really could commit an entire day to using it exclusively) but those factors are not enough. Coming from blackberry os I expect my phone to do certain things which the iPhone does not. Some of the big ones for me are push email for every email address, call logs that go back more then only the last call, a hardware keyboard, louder speakerphone, louder earpiece, bluetooth remote functions, a better notification system…the list can go on forever. Its very annoying to see a notification on screen then unlock the phone without realizing it popped up and having no idea where it came from.

Even as an iPod I don’t really care too much for the phone. Bluetooth headphones can’t control changing songs and the on screen media keys require you to have the device out instead of just hitting a button while its tucked away in a belt clip or in a coat pocket like I can do with my bold.

Overall the phone is a step up from the 3G and 3GS in terms of battery life but for what I expect my cellphone to do, it doesn’t make the cut nor do I think it ever will. The phone has sold this many units thus far, why would Apple drastically change it up now?